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gerbang fajar bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "gerbang fajar"
  • gerbang:    gate; arch; bar; gateway; fence; barrier; door
  • fajar:    aurora; break of day; dawn; day break; daybreak;
  • bunda kami di gerbang fajar:    our lady of the gate of dawn
  • fajar:    aurora; break of day; dawn; day break; daybreak; dayspring; daylight; fajr; break of the day; cockcrow; dayrise; first light; sunrise; crack of dawn; beginning; dawn prayer; dawning; morning; dawing
  • gerbang and:    and gate
  • cahaya fajar:    twilight
  • fajar (buku):    dawn (wiesel novel)
  • fajar emas:    golden dawn (greece)
  • fajar menyingsing:    dawn; the peep of day; aurora; dayspring; sunup; break of day; dawning; morning; cockcrow; first light; daybreak; sunrise; break of the day
  • fajar sidik:    sunrise; daybreak; first light; cockcrow; break of the day; dayspring; sunup; break of day; dawn; aurora; morning; dawning
  • merah fajar:    rediffusion
  • sebelum fajar:    before dawn
  • waktu fajar:    cock crow
  • gerakan fajar nusantara:    milah abraham
  • ordo eremit fajar emas:    hermetic order of the golden dawn
  • Of ten city gates, only the Gate of Dawn remains, while the others were destroyed by the order of the government at the end of the 18th century.
    Dari sepuluh gerbang kota di Vilnius, hanya Gerbang Fajar yang tersisa, karena gerbang-gerbang lainnya dihancurkan atas perintah pemerintah pada abad ke-18.
  • The Ostra Brama in Vilnius, Lithuania contains an icon of Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn, which is venerated by both Roman Catholic and Orthodox inhabitants.
    Gerbang Ostra Brama di Vilnius, Lituania berisi ikon dari Bunda Kami di Gerbang Fajar, yang dihormati baik oleh penduduk penganut Katolik Roma dan Ortodoks.
  • The legend tells that in 1702, when Vilnius was captured by the Swedish army during the Great Northern War, Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn came to her people's rescue.
    Menurut legenda, pada saat kota Vilnius direbut oleh Swedia selama Perang Utara Besar pada tahun 1702, Bunda Kami di Gerbang Fajar menyelamatkan rakyat Vilnius.